Where is Heritage Commerce Corp's stock traded?
Heritage's stock is traded on the Nasdaq under the symbol HTBK. For more detailed stock information, please visit our Stock Information page.
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How can I receive Email alerts from Heritage?
To sign up for Email alerts on our Events, Documents, Press Releases and closing stock price information, visit our Email Notification page.
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How can I request additional information from Heritage?
You can do this on our Information Request page.
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How do I locate IRS Form 8937 as part of the Focus Business Bank acquisition?
Please click
here to review IRS Form 8937.
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How do I locate IRS Form 8937 as part of the Tri-Valley Bank acquisition?
Please click
here to review IRS Form 8937.
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How do I locate IRS Form 8937 as part of the United American Bank acquisition?
Please click
here to review IRS Form 8937.
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How do I locate IRS Form 8937 as part of the Presidio Bank acquisition?
Please click
here to review IRS Form 8937.
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